Monday, April 5, 2010

two early birds are flying in the air

salam. greetings. peace be upon us all..(i'm early tis morning..hehe..)

two early birds are flying in the air on one early morning..the liltle birds usually played together in the middle of nite when others had already slept. they love to say tis....midnite is still soooo young!!!! so dey ussually don sleep until it is late midnite wen wat u culd only see is eyes in d dark..hehehe(pliz do keep reading...) and of coz dey wake up late..even if dey do wake sto perform their subuh prayer..tey slept in after that

one of d lil bird feel like waking up early...without any information to both parties at d same time d other lil bird also feel like waking up early!!! surprisingly..wen both were wondering around..flying up and down..high and low..tey bumped to each others!!!

both d lil birds was sooo happy. honto niee chukkittaa. so tey took a break on a tree and had a chat wif each other..while reading the and listening to d sound of morning breez. below was d conversation between the two liltle sparrow..

jiLL: salam deal u wake up already
i juz thinking to on9 in the morning frm now on

deal or no deal: isnt we alwayz on9 in the morning?? kekeke^^

jiLL: hahaha

deal or no deal: 1,2 or 3 in the morning

jiLL: haha betul2
but deal in the future maybe i cant chat wif u in the nite
so will u on9 in the morning too
next time it wll be great to chat wif u..we juz need to change our time

deal or no deal: i'll try. i dont really mind bout that

jiLL: okey but dn wanna push u
we r soo early today.. ohio!!!!

deal or no deal: chiminachim ^^
ter's one finger style guitarist from france made a song entitled "sungha's waltz" kekeke

from fb,
A parents wish to their lovely kids!!!!!

New Message
deal or no deal: The day when you see us old & weak ... be patient & try to understand us.

If we cant eat food properly & cant change our clothes properly, please remember the time when we took our time in feeding & clothing you

When we talk to you & repeat the same thing please listen to us, when you were small you used to tell us the same story a thousend times while falling asleep.

When we don't want to bath don't scold us, remember when we tried taking you to the bathroom inspite of your 100 excuses.

When we don't understand the new technology like the internet, help us to understand it, we teach you many things, how to eat, how to wear clothes & how to fight for your right.

When we forget something give us time to remember it & don't worry about it, conversation is not the real thing, w

jiLL: deal..xde doh ko sambungan dio wat wift w there ???

deal or no deal: ader a minute

we just want someone to talk to & listen to us.
If we don't want to eat don't force us, we know better when we should eat, when we can't walk with our old feet hold us, the same way we held you when you were trying to walk with your weak body.

If oneday we say we don't want to live, we want to die, don't get angry, one day you surely will understand why we desire this, appreciate us, motivate us we are just trying to live our lives.

And if one day you come to know that inspite of our mistakes, we always wished for your success & tried our best that you choose the right way, don't be sad , angry or embarrased, try to understand & help us as we helped you when you were young.

Oh Allah give us true understanding of parents & grant us all to help our parents in all circumstances as
deal or no deal: they did for us until they depart us from this world, oh Allah when they do depart us let them depart in good terms with us & give us the chance to always be in their dua'as.


"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).

Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim).

Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah
deal or no deal: do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said: Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

Wa'alaikumsalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

jiLL: tq deal a useful news to me
btw where is the parent from??? malaysia???

deal or no deal: i took it from fb juz read it the msg
i'm a member of grup The Life of the Final Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)
i've invited u 2join in fb

jiLL: ooo sokka so it will send us a msj if we join the gp...

deal or no deal: sort of

jiLL: oooo okey i'm goin to sign in my fb to take a look at my farm hehehe

deal or no deal: go on then

jiLL: thanks okey i gonna check my wall 1st
deal2 wont u mind i copy our conversation here toput it in my blog???

deal or no deal: no objection its ok wif me

jiLL: thanx deal i wanna post it in blog berkata-kata

deal or no deal: wakatta

so tats how dey talk to each..all kind of stuff..various sort of things...
p/s: d conversation did not end there...but tats d end of tis new entry..hehehe

maa nee
till then...keep smilling