once upon time in china..there liv nine little sparrow in an old city. they fly and travel together wherever they go. one day a lil sparrow namely jack come upon an idea to visit her fren's house. she decided to visit mean's house first. then wen an open oppurtunity came, where mean and jack were destined to bump to each other in a ball. on the way home, mean invited jack for a drive to her house.. there they go the two lil sparrow.. luckly for jack to take d drive for it was her 1st time on a long long way drive. alon the way..mean take her chance to show jack some of her seven fren house. jack in return was overjoyed tat she almost fly to the moon..
upon reachin mean house..jack turn to feel a bit shy..s she realise tat mean's family was home.
it was so unproper for her to visit her fren house wen the family had an occasion to bussy with. demo..she said no word to mean but drowning herself into her nervous. mean in return happened to realise her fren sudden change. she therefore act normally as nothin to mad of. upon seein tis..jack realise how mean was hopin tat she also act normally.
later..d lil sparrow find out tat..her visit tis time was not a waste.. she feel her frenship to mean grow even closer. they talk about stuff n finish their time readin d novel. she knew exactly for a girl like her who loved to finish her time mostly in her bedroom...she would not had other chance later. she was realy happy even if she will never come again later. someday for sure she hoped she could come again to tis peaceful house.
as for d lil sparrow, it was a moment to remember.. she was realy greatful to had been here..the cookle-a-doo from the village hen, d laughter of d children, d sound of the women talk, the greenery scenery n d smell of d damp cool air was so relaxinn. everythings there remind her of her nanny's village. n wen mean nanny came close to jack askin her for lunch she smile happly to mean's nanny whisper. just like how nanny did. jack smile to her ears but her heart cryin for missing her grandparent. the enviroment was so similar at her nanny's house. she hoped silently for d moment to come again. she hoped to see..hear..n smell everythin there. demo. she knew d momen for her had pass..no more nanny waitin smilinly. no more hug from nanny. no more chicken to run. no more women talk n no more laughter there. all is left was d old house n d damp cool air waitin for every1 to enjoy. but no one will come to make everytin d same. thers only come n goes n no turning back
finally she went back home riding again wift mean. for her to hav d feelin again she was so thankful to mean. n she live happly ever after
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