mmm...almost all blog tulis nie 'memburu cinta suci' jill pon nak tulis jugak..AYUH KITA BURU CINTA ILAHI!!! written by CuT n frens
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Doa Rabithah
Sesungguhnya Engkau tahu
bertemu dalam ketaatan bersatu dalam perjuangan
menegakkan syariat dalam kehidupan
Kuatkanlah ikatannya
kekalkanlah cintanya
tunjukilah jalan-jalannya
terangilah dengan cahayamu yang tiada pernah padam
Ya Rabbi bimbinglah kami
Lapangkanlah dada kami
dengan karunia iman
dan indahnya tawakal padaMu
hidupkan dengan ma'rifatMu
matikan dalam syahid di jalan Mu
Engkaulah pelindung dan pembela
Album :
Munsyid : Izzatul Islam
Dilema CInta Ilahi
beriringan kata seindah bicara,
lautan api telah pun ku selami,
namun geloranya tetap sama.
Oh Tuhan,di manakah CINTA-MU,
ke manakah RESTU-MU.
dilema CINTA ini merunsingkan hatiku,
kuharapkan CINTA-MU ILAHI...
dilema CINTA ini merunsingkan hatiku,
hanya tuk dapatkan RAHMAT dari-MU...."
Album :
Munsyid : Forheart
Friday, September 10, 2010
doing some renovation
greeting n peace be upon you all my siblings, ikhwan n akhwat, saudara seislamku..dan teman2 yg kuhormati fahaman dan pendiriannya..
nothing to say in this rayer nite..just doing some routine to keep d body fit
n back to wat i say "renovation!!!!!!!!!!!!'"
frankly speaking didnt know much bout blog renovation but i'll keep better then d plain blog b4
i'll try my best buddy!!!!
okey aja2 fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooh b4 i forget happy celebrating idul fitri maaf zahir batin wal faizin
السلام عليكم
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
two early birds are flying in the air
two early birds are flying in the air on one early morning..the liltle birds usually played together in the middle of nite when others had already slept. they love to say tis....midnite is still soooo young!!!! so dey ussually don sleep until it is late midnite wen wat u culd only see is eyes in d dark..hehehe(pliz do keep reading...) and of coz dey wake up late..even if dey do wake sto perform their subuh prayer..tey slept in after that
one of d lil bird feel like waking up early...without any information to both parties at d same time d other lil bird also feel like waking up early!!! surprisingly..wen both were wondering around..flying up and down..high and low..tey bumped to each others!!!
both d lil birds was sooo happy. honto niee chukkittaa. so tey took a break on a tree and had a chat wif each other..while reading the and listening to d sound of morning breez. below was d conversation between the two liltle sparrow..
jiLL: salam deal u wake up already
i juz thinking to on9 in the morning frm now on
deal or no deal: isnt we alwayz on9 in the morning?? kekeke^^
jiLL: hahaha
deal or no deal: 1,2 or 3 in the morning
jiLL: haha betul2
but deal in the future maybe i cant chat wif u in the nite
so will u on9 in the morning too
next time it wll be great to chat wif u..we juz need to change our time
deal or no deal: i'll try. i dont really mind bout that
jiLL: okey but dn wanna push u
we r soo early today.. ohio!!!!
deal or no deal: chiminachim ^^
ter's one finger style guitarist from france made a song entitled "sungha's waltz" kekeke
from fb,
A parents wish to their lovely kids!!!!!
New Message
deal or no deal: The day when you see us old & weak ... be patient & try to understand us.
If we cant eat food properly & cant change our clothes properly, please remember the time when we took our time in feeding & clothing you
When we talk to you & repeat the same thing please listen to us, when you were small you used to tell us the same story a thousend times while falling asleep.
When we don't want to bath don't scold us, remember when we tried taking you to the bathroom inspite of your 100 excuses.
When we don't understand the new technology like the internet, help us to understand it, we teach you many things, how to eat, how to wear clothes & how to fight for your right.
When we forget something give us time to remember it & don't worry about it, conversation is not the real thing, w
jiLL: deal..xde doh ko sambungan dio wat wift w there ???
deal or no deal: ader a minute
we just want someone to talk to & listen to us.
If we don't want to eat don't force us, we know better when we should eat, when we can't walk with our old feet hold us, the same way we held you when you were trying to walk with your weak body.
If oneday we say we don't want to live, we want to die, don't get angry, one day you surely will understand why we desire this, appreciate us, motivate us we are just trying to live our lives.
And if one day you come to know that inspite of our mistakes, we always wished for your success & tried our best that you choose the right way, don't be sad , angry or embarrased, try to understand & help us as we helped you when you were young.
Oh Allah give us true understanding of parents & grant us all to help our parents in all circumstances as
deal or no deal: they did for us until they depart us from this world, oh Allah when they do depart us let them depart in good terms with us & give us the chance to always be in their dua'as.
"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).
The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).
Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim).
Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah
deal or no deal: do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said: Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).
Wa'alaikumsalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
jiLL: tq deal a useful news to me
btw where is the parent from??? malaysia???
deal or no deal: i took it from fb juz read it the msg
i'm a member of grup The Life of the Final Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)
i've invited u 2join in fb
jiLL: ooo sokka so it will send us a msj if we join the gp...
deal or no deal: sort of
jiLL: oooo okey i'm goin to sign in my fb to take a look at my farm hehehe
deal or no deal: go on then
jiLL: thanks okey i gonna check my wall 1st
deal2 wont u mind i copy our conversation here toput it in my blog???
deal or no deal: no objection its ok wif me
jiLL: thanx deal i wanna post it in blog berkata-kata
deal or no deal: wakatta
so tats how dey talk to each..all kind of stuff..various sort of things...
p/s: d conversation did not end there...but tats d end of tis new entry..hehehe
maa nee
till then...keep smilling
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
my research ...scholarship
i will be away again..but maybe tis post cant wait so see u later
SHELL: now opening …closing date march 30
NATIONAL BANK: unluckly xde scho for medic but still x berapa nak paham. So maybe u shuld read it. n from wat I read.. biasiswa bnm akan kluar biasanyer dlm niggu result spm keluar. biasiswa bg bank Negara akan keluar biasanyer awal bulan mac setiap tahun.. n y nak memohon tidak semestinyer lepasan spm sahaja..sdg belajar di matrik or ambik ijazah pertama pon I think tis one is kind of back up klu later kiter xleh scho so mayb we can try it wift our CGPA in our 1st sem.n if u wanna apply later just click2 here even its just for last year bcoz maybe u can search it here. hehehe
BIASISWA KERAJAAN DARUL SALAM: Mmm. Lil bit funny here but for d back up later. U maybe wanna read so just do ur click2 at d link.
kini dibuka: 1 feb-1 mac 2010
n also: 1 july-1 August 2010
Blum kuar agi tp sajer wat research
N tis one is jpa official site
tis one program penajaan JPA 2010 bg lulusan spm 2009
tis one for dalam Negara punya universiti 2009(last year)
For d knowledge
Briefly..maybe some of u wanna know bout mata plajrn teras n wajib kat matric
N after reading some comment I got to a conclusion tat goin to matric means I need to work hard bcoz even student with 11A1 in spm only get 3.5 for deir CGPA, u need to catch up fast n prepare for d quiz. So my fren maybe u need to think bout it deeply. Still matric was not d worse bcoz we got some scholar(y ne x tahu 4 sape n wat syarat.).
Some had give good coment about it.. I think my fren u should better check ur application
In order to avoid anything undesireable mistake. To check..i had made a link for you good.. ..but its already close..hehhe. just to recheck..lets pray tat nothing go wrong
N tarikh for pendaftaran pelajar baru pada 26 n 27 jun 2010
MOHE: maybe u wanna browse
TARIKH2 PENTING maybe u wanna browse
fren know wat..seramai 139 207 ( )permohonan diterima but just some a choosen for last year so I think u can think better bout tis year too. All we muslim had is doa n tawakkal after a hard attempt n usaha keras. I got one only things to tell u.. believe in Allah..tats wat I love to do. Most of d time.
n its nothing if u wanna share to believe in Allah bcoz we r for HIM. HIS abdu@hamba. Ten be d great abdu..*smilin*
Thursday, February 11, 2010
journey number two
n here comes another series of their journey
it was examination week for d lil sparrow named jack.. n as for d small birds..they study together..towards their lovy dovy dream. jack's house has been their port for a few days durin d evil exam week. some of them had a sleep over but some went back home durin d mornin n came again in d afternoon..(@_@)
ah hah..lucky again. d oppurtunity for lil jack to go on wonderin at her fren house. there she go..ask for her fren, arty to take jack with her home. arty smillinly take d lil bird home with her.. there they go d two lil arty's house with a drive offer by some other kind lil sparrow on their way.
~fly lil birds fly. fly freely to ur dream~
n they arrived safe n sound at arty's house. arty's family was home. demo, for lil jack she does feel a bit shy but not as much at mean's house bcoz arty's house wasnt on any occasion. still the sweet lil feelin of shyness had been part of herself.
1st thin she did there was eat to her stomach. arty's mother cookin was saikonyer best. over best.(hiperbola nie melampau tp betul2 sedap). wat did she eat? huh..guess wat..a homemade mertabak. small in size n cute too. muuuaaah. gracious seniorita.
well to say..she went there n do nothin except "mogo+sleep+lazing around+readin novel+n some study for d exam". now tat jack know tat tis is d fun stuff tat fren will do...fren..they 2gether..visit each other..lie in bed of overall it was doin somethin tat make everyone close too. knowing tat we r 'friend..nakama..comrade'
but it was somethin differ for her..her visit to arty's was like they take it as a visit from a relative. a close relative. it was so bcoz they treat jack leisurely like their family. it was like everything was normal. nothing to worried of. arty was d eldest in family. watchin arty sister-attitude was so nice. here is it. d other side of our arty..a great sister. she know how to managed n act over her lil sister..n jack in return learn new thing again. be good to ur sister.wahahaha(seem like jack had been hard on her sister..???)
n jack d lil sparrow was very very hapy.. jack. she was a lil sparrow who spend most of her time in bed in return havin tis visit make her think tat she rarely visit her fren..till now maybe two visit only. she is who she is..a shy lil sparrow.
jack d lil sparrow hoped tat if arty found tis lil story..she hoped tat arty d lil sparrow know how she had feel. she wanted to thanx arty for those great memory n d saikonyer best homemade mertabak.n thanx too for makin her realize how she had been spendin her years useless. doin none of fun n fren. now tat she know n now tat she had been d better jack who wish to never changed herself
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
asyik2 ingAt2 jee
Monday, February 8, 2010
journey number one
upon reachin mean house..jack turn to feel a bit shy..s she realise tat mean's family was home.
it was so unproper for her to visit her fren house wen the family had an occasion to bussy with. demo..she said no word to mean but drowning herself into her nervous. mean in return happened to realise her fren sudden change. she therefore act normally as nothin to mad of. upon seein tis..jack realise how mean was hopin tat she also act normally.
later..d lil sparrow find out tat..her visit tis time was not a waste.. she feel her frenship to mean grow even closer. they talk about stuff n finish their time readin d novel. she knew exactly for a girl like her who loved to finish her time mostly in her bedroom...she would not had other chance later. she was realy happy even if she will never come again later. someday for sure she hoped she could come again to tis peaceful house.
as for d lil sparrow, it was a moment to remember.. she was realy greatful to had been here..the cookle-a-doo from the village hen, d laughter of d children, d sound of the women talk, the greenery scenery n d smell of d damp cool air was so relaxinn. everythings there remind her of her nanny's village. n wen mean nanny came close to jack askin her for lunch she smile happly to mean's nanny whisper. just like how nanny did. jack smile to her ears but her heart cryin for missing her grandparent. the enviroment was so similar at her nanny's house. she hoped silently for d moment to come again. she hoped to see..hear..n smell everythin there. demo. she knew d momen for her had more nanny waitin smilinly. no more hug from nanny. no more chicken to run. no more women talk n no more laughter there. all is left was d old house n d damp cool air waitin for every1 to enjoy. but no one will come to make everytin d same. thers only come n goes n no turning back
finally she went back home riding again wift mean. for her to hav d feelin again she was so thankful to mean. n she live happly ever after
Saturday, February 6, 2010
lazing aRoUnd
sorry.. i had been lazing around today..wuhhahahha..salam greeting.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Afif birthday WISHES
Salam. greetng*blinkblink*
i had been 18. now u tooo. 18. hahaha
happy birthday..sory got no credit n been on holiday from my fb..u know..
emm..wats else to say..emm..18 mean our frenships also grow fonder rite. u have been my precious intelligent nakama since darjah 2 kann, thank you so much for ur accompany. long..longest accompany. gomawo.
n as always wish to other on their birthday
coz i luv tat
ashiteru fillah
ukhwah fillah forever
Thursday, February 4, 2010
CUT 2009 skool diary
6/10: CUT palng busy today. Jill tggal sensorang dlm klass!!! along+deal=hal class. arif+hafiz+lee=jadik menteri luar. hazim+afif+min=meetin. (T_T) jill sorang je t'kulat-kulat dlm class. tapi sape y palin kuat playin truant sbenarnyer?? who's d player??
7/10: cg.zahari bg pantun kat tobo.. n of course kitrong jwb balik pantun cg. dgr ya
minum kopi terasa pahit
berjaga malam membaca buku
cg jganlah sakit2
kalau nak tengok kami masuk u
n suprisingly cg jawab lagi.. hehe. smua ni jadik dlm klass.. klas kami 5 ibnu Qayyum@5iQ. kami x mengalah n balas balik.
membaca buku dibatang pinang
sambil rehat minum 100plus
jasamu cg kami kenangan
insyAllah 5iQ 11A++
8/10: hari niee pon CUT busy jgak tapi hari nie special we got hazim,jill,along and deal in the class. ktorang study sesame.
12/10: as usual CUT was busy. almost all of us got a responsibility. hazim=binnadwah. i cant recal wat position shes on. Afif=binnadwah. shes d Along n Deal= n monitor n her asssit. busy bout d clas. a great monitor ever!! Lee=d prefect secretary. realy diligent wif her work. n as s a secretary she even got a shes also the vice president of charity club. Arif=the vise president of photograpy club. lucky to had her as our fren. d photograhy's club room has always been our port. hehe. thanx alot Rif. gomawo. Jill=the vise president of d library. me. no comment. n as for Hafiz=d klas treasurer. so strict. never been cheated by her pleasant kiut look. she ask for money! she's also been a handful to keep us a company wherever we go. she gladly help!
12/10: wow i got so may notes today.
CUT was busy. i was readin d manzil wif min. then wen they came back...laughingly they went out again most all of them went to ukur their height. not me. i wouldnt know wats my height by now. let gone be by gone. hari niee jgk admirer Along give her birthday present...pompuan plak tue. Eee. hahaha. lucu. skoollife this is it! n i also succesfuly jual buku2 adabi melalui sms. hahahaha. a real historical day. someday let do somethin 2 remind of this day minna san!
12/10: midnite was so wonderful. wen i'm writtin this i kind of thinkin back wat was so wonderful at this moment. demo..i cannt recall any. accordg to my notes i got CUT maskot. a bluee pillow shaped 'ikan buntal'. fahter bought it for me. kawai nee. i name it Muta@Ronaldo Von Moon. hahaha. maybe this wat make me hapy this day back there.*blinkblink*
13/10: Jill, Afif, Hazim, Min. we talk bout chemistry. how learng was so fun during cg nik lesson. i then spread to oldskool memory wif Afif at our dear skool, SIT. then thing goes on to d form1 memory. n came Along. we talk about how Lee had been so arrogant at d time. d one who fren wif Lee was only me at time as we got deserted in d same class. n wen we went to d kantin we met Afif n d other. tat was wen she got to know them. suprisingly tat 'arrogant Lee', a nikname Afif n other gave her was no suit to her frenly manner. kiut to say. actually Afif n the other made gud fren wif her a lot more than me i guess. well i been sprated from my dearly nakama for years s i skip d skool. n there i go to sit at d back far from my Afif.
14/10: CUT study nicely smooth. Jill n Along do d physic. Afif n Mean do d chemistry. Deal n Hazim did d biology. hr nie kami study sesungguh2. sorang tanya soalan pasal madah dia, smua orang dpt manfaat...w/pon tgh wak madah lain. i got this today-->insulin change glucose to glucagon. n vise versa but using another enzyem, glucogen. a little bit confused wift d glucagon n glucogen. hehehe. tats why i love studyn but why i don wanna go to school? is school a 'borin' without me?? NO!! by d way where's arif, hafiz n lee??
15/10: comic conan. we talk bout tat. n min, afif, jill n deal. we read tat. its only us this times. other get busy. study diffrentiation. deal yang ajar. n kitorang baca satu passage y lucu.BM. its says; baca petikan dengan menekankan perkataan 'sudah'--> 'untuk pengetahuan kau aku sudah pun menemui Erique....antologi anak laut' hahaha. read it corretly. n u'll got me wats so funny. if dont. keep readin dont give up.
21/10: lee ask me to make a note on her promise to Hafiz tat she'll fast 4 a day if sonmthin happened as she said bout Hafiz.. i remind u girls!! today kitorang masuk lab since d mornin till last ring bell. during the MAT lesson Jill ask cg d permision to go to d library n wen i said 'cg nak kluar g library skejap' smua bbdak CUT ikut ckp 'saya pon.8x'. lapan2 pon pergi!! n tonight i remember bout my 1st childhood science teacher. just how she tought me science..
19/11:its been a month since i last wrote d notes. busy tat d keyword. imagine urself wats we've been busy of??. hr niee Jill accompanykan Lee pergi amik jadual spm. Lee tarik tgn Jill. Jill tarik tgn Arif. n know wat it keeps on till all us go alas except for Hafiz. die blum sampai skool lagi! n suprisingly smua pon ikut Lee tanpe tahu sebab? why? where? n bile tahu dah stengah jalan some us pusin balik. its no use for 8 people to go n pick a few papers. berast sgt ke??funny. skoollife. childish i wuld say but a great momento 2 remember.*smiling*20/11: today i see the other side of Mean. she cried. n all d CUT members gather. emergency gathrin. tats d soft part. i like it. coz i like 2 see my fren been honest wif theirself. we r fren. nothin to shy of. why she cried?? let it be CUT dark little secret. i know all d members of CUT know it exctly which one.
20/11: it seem today had been the last day 4 me doin the notes. we r realy gettin more n more busy. tonite kitorang ade +han biology ngan sir. ntah ke brape kalinyer. its not a gud nite. we been so sebal. lets keep it secret too. i think a few keywords is enough for CUT to remember those nitemare nite..incident sebal.xpuas ati. dengki. apehal luu. waaah.. we been d victim 4 some people stress..examkan. n d sentence realy make us angry; 'diamlaa..tahulah pandai'